Sunday, September 26, 2010

The hear of a child through song!

I am excited to see the rain because we have been so dry lately. The only thing that can get awkward is loading and unloading kids in and out of the car in the rain. One thing that is good about boys is that they love getting wet.

Luke has just been my comic relief lately. We have taken away his stuffed animal elephant named Peanut which his says, "Neanut" a week ago. He usually has his Neanut for bed and then sucks him thumb with it. He has done really well and has not cried for him. I am proud. Luke will also start speech therapy school in a few weeks. He will be attending school every Monday and Wednesday and I am relived because I am always his translator to outsiders and he could use the help. Luke was really excited about being able to attend school. Luke has a very outgoing personality so going to school is a great outlet for him.

Eli is blossoming into his personality as well. He turned 19 months the other day and is a ball full of energy. He is a Mama's boy lately but I love him. His thing lately is whenever music comes on he dances or starts pretending he is playing a guitar. He plays with his big brother all of the time. He loves to pretend he is a dog and really loves when Luke will play in with him as well.

My life is full. I am going to try and make more time for blogging. If you have been following me sorry for the long lapse of time. I am going to try and get better. I have attached a video of Luke singing one of his favorite worship songs. He is really passionate when he sings and he really loves this song. Out of the mouth of babes.

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