Little toes, little moments.
Little toes are so precious. I personally am not a foot person but I can't help but to fall in love with my boys little toes. Getting my boys to sit still for a foot shot is hard but I did capture that moment. My adventure into the realm of photography is fun. I am enjoying taking pictures even more so than I did before. I am constantly on the lookout for great places for pictures and awesome poses for pictures. I can remember before I had kids I did not take many pictures at all. I don't know what it is about having children but it is like you don't want to miss a moment and taking pictures makes you feel as if you are capturing every moment you can and holding onto the time that keeps flying by. Pictures on the wall and in frames is also a favorite thing of mine. I love looking in photo albums and sharing special pictures with others. I have also discovered that grandparents love receiving framed pictures of their grandkids. I am currently trying to get some creative ideas for Christmas gifts for my in-laws and parents that includes photos. We shall see. Take the time to cherish the little things even if it is only toes.
Lovelly feeties. :)