I was thinking about my little family holiday traditions. Since I have gotten married and had children my traditions have changed since growing up in my families household. There are a few traditions that I have carried over from my upbringing and new ones that I have created. Ever since Luke was born four years ago I have played the movie "The Polar Express" while putting up the christmas tree. That is what Luke remembers and asks for every year. I also love filling the stocking for my boys on Christmas. Also as a family we really enjoy being at home as a family of four to open our gifts. It is important to Jeremy to stay home Christmas morning and to experience the boys opening their gifts from us. Jeremy works so hard for his money and he deserves that home and joyous experience. We have also enjoyed making gingerbread houses with Jeremy's mom! This year we invited Amanda Hill and her girls to join in on the experience. The kids really enjoyed decorating their gingerbread men and women and other various cookies. I enjoyed decorating my house and being with the kids and adults. I am wanting to make new and different holiday traditions with my boys. One tradition I would like to make is to have a family game night. Luke really enjoys playing games and I enjoy watching the glow and wonder in his face when he wins. We played a veggietales game with him this evening and Luke enjoyed it so much. What are your holiday or everyday traditions? Think about starting some new ones!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Holiday Traditions!
I was thinking about my little family holiday traditions. Since I have gotten married and had children my traditions have changed since growing up in my families household. There are a few traditions that I have carried over from my upbringing and new ones that I have created. Ever since Luke was born four years ago I have played the movie "The Polar Express" while putting up the christmas tree. That is what Luke remembers and asks for every year. I also love filling the stocking for my boys on Christmas. Also as a family we really enjoy being at home as a family of four to open our gifts. It is important to Jeremy to stay home Christmas morning and to experience the boys opening their gifts from us. Jeremy works so hard for his money and he deserves that home and joyous experience. We have also enjoyed making gingerbread houses with Jeremy's mom! This year we invited Amanda Hill and her girls to join in on the experience. The kids really enjoyed decorating their gingerbread men and women and other various cookies. I enjoyed decorating my house and being with the kids and adults. I am wanting to make new and different holiday traditions with my boys. One tradition I would like to make is to have a family game night. Luke really enjoys playing games and I enjoy watching the glow and wonder in his face when he wins. We played a veggietales game with him this evening and Luke enjoyed it so much. What are your holiday or everyday traditions? Think about starting some new ones!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Christmas Tree Adventures!
My sister and myself put up my Christmas tree today. It was so much fun. This is the first year Eli is trying to understand what is going on. He loved the Christmas lights. He kept touching them very easily just to make sure it would not burn him. Luke is more than thrilled that we finally can put up the tree. He has asked for about a month now. Now Luke's question is when is Christmas day so he can open gifts. Typical 4 year old. Luke had his first day of school today and did really well. He is learning how to say the "c" sound finally. I am so proud of both of my boys. Tis the season!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Messy House and Overcoming Mild OCD :-)
I say I have OCD but I am being silly. I just like things in order and organized but I have no problem in the world letting my kids have fun and make a mess because when the house is messy they have played hard and not been under my feet all day. I am loving how the older Eli gets the more and more the boys play together and creatively make-believe. They will make up things to play all of the time. Eli found so much interest today in Luke's little "Thomas the Train" play-set and that was hours of fun for him. Luke played in his tent and pretended to be Andy from "Toy Story!" I am glad that I have a husband who at the end of the day will help me and the boys tidy up the house before bed most nights. Jeremy is completely understanding of the fact that a messy house represents a boys day of fun. I am loving the life. (Amanda Hill, see my house does get messy!!!!!!!! :-)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Messy Eating!
I know I have a 4 1/2 year old son who eats well now but I still have not perfected how to train my 20 month old how to eat with a spoon. I am having a hard time remembering when Luke perfected the spoon technique but Eli has still not arrived there yet. He is having fun learning though at my expense. I am such a neat freak that letting him learn on his own kills me but I know it is necessary in order for him to learn how to feed himself. Jeremy is the same way about a mess and we both would rather feed him so that we don't have to worry about the mess but we know that is not helping him. I think I will start letting him feed himself a bowl of cereal every morning so he can learn how to work a spoon. I still can't resist that messy smile. Got to love a happy boy.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Halloween Fun
The boys throughly enjoyed their Halloween adventures. After nap we took them to a local church for a Trunk or Treat where I heard several times how cute my two little cowboys were. We then proceeded to go to some friends house and trick or treat. My mom and sister accompanied us on the journey home where we trick or treated in our neighborhood and passed out candy until 9:00 pm that evening. We have a huge bowl of candy to show for our fun adventurous night. Luke and Eli are enjoying looking through the candy bowl on a daily basis to pick out a piece of candy they would like to eat.
I was never allowed to Trick or Treat as a child. We did attend some church's Hallelujah Harvest where you would go and dress up in a Bible character and play games and get candy. When Luke was born Jeremy and I both said that we would not make it a big deal either way. If the boys wanted to do it we would go with them and let them trick or treat. If they ever did not want to we would not push the issue. I believe certain things are only an issue if you make them an issue. I am not so religious in my thinking any more and I have let some of my insecurities go. God is so good to show me the joy of life even in the small things.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Little toes, little moments.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
New Camera!
I purchased my new camera yesterday evening. I am excited that in 20 minutes I will be making an adventure up to the parkway for some more picture taking with my new camera. I spent a little more than I wanted but I purchased a great camera. The shots I have taken thus far are amazing. I have hardly had to touch up any of them.
We spent probably about an hour and a half in the camera aisle at our local electronics store discussing the different cameras and features. I had been looking at camera's for about a year and had a general idea of what I was looking for. Thank you to everyone who also gave me great advise about their camera's and which cameras they enjoy the most. We also got a camera with a great HD video recorder in it also. I am excited about the possibilities. I have some fun photography ideas that I am going to try out and see how it goes. Enjoy my photography adventure. This is going to be fun.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Lovin the Fall!
I am loving the changing of the season's this year. Usually I do not look forward to Fall because I know winter is quickly approaching and that is a season I really dislike. I will have to say that this Fall is exceptionally beautiful because I am experiencing it's wonders through the eyes of my 4 year old and 19 month old. Luke has been asking so many questions about why the leaves change colors and why the leaves fall off the trees and what is a scarecrow and so on. I have been more observant of the beauty around me. Take a minute in your busy day to admire the beauty God has set before us. Enjoy your weekend.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Cowboy up!!!
This morning Luke woke up and wanted to try on his cowboy Halloween costume. He and Eli will both be cowboys for Halloween in which they are both really excited about. I still need to buy some accessories for Eli like a gun and holster and a sheriff badge. They love to dress up. Jeremy is home today and he enjoyed helping me take pictures of the boys. We got some awesome pictures of them. I can't wait for Halloween night and the fun my boys will have. The adventures of boys is so much fun but I will have to say it would be nice to have a cowgirl in the mix. Love it!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Dinner's a go!
I have dinner already in the crockpot and ready for dinner at 6:00 pm. I love when I prep ahead because it makes the dinner hour so much easier. I also went to the grocery store at 10:00 am this morning and got my groceries for the week. There were hardly any people at the store and I was able to get what I needed and head home. I love having the grocery shopping out of the way for the week.
I am also spending some time today reflecting on what a wonderful weekend I had with my family. Saturday we took the boys to the nature center. I will have to say it was a little boring because most all of the animals were sleeping but at least the boys did get to see them. Luke and Eli did like the animals in the petting zoo area.
After the Nature Center adventure we took the boys out to lunch and then shopping at the mall. Jeremy and I both broke down and let them jump on the trampolines in the middle of the mall. Eli was laughing so much. It was tremendous fun.
I am glad we had such a fun filled weekend. Sunday was nice to spend the day at home relaxing and just being together. God is good!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Chores and Tattoo's
Luke has discovered the fun adventure of having a fake tattoo on his chest. It is hilarious. His uncle Logan got him a Shrek tattoo this evening and Luke wanted to put it on immediately once we got home. Jeremy placed it on his chest because the tattoo is about 4 inches tall. Luke is so proud and will not put a shirt on. I think that is so funny. I will have to say I hope that is the only ink he ever puts on his body!!!!!
I have been for the past year requiring Luke to empty out the clean silverware from the dishwasher every time. He is so good about quickly stepping up and getting it done. I really want my boys to learn the responsibility of hard work and chipping in to help around the house. I really would love for my boys to be as helpful to their wives one day around the home as Jeremy is to me. I figured that doing the silverware is a simple yet challenging enough for his age of a task to start off with. Luke also is very helpful with the laundry sorting and taking the clothes to the laundry room. I want to raise two responsible men of God.
Eli has been challenging me the past few days with hitting Luke and I when things are not going his way. I have had to discipline more strictly to reinforce the fact that we do not hit anyone if we don't get what we want. Eli is funny though and tries to use his charm at times to make up for his bad behavior but that does not excuse it.
That is my adventures the past few days. Sorry I don't have photos for this blog but I will try and get some of Luke and the chores. I love my two little helpers so much.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I think baking is FUN!
I took Luke today to Wal-mart for him to pick out what his special gift would be for not sucking his thumb anymore. (I know, I know you other mother's are saying why did you buy him a gift for that, but I just wanted to reward the good behavior and yes I did spend too much!) He glanced over the hundreds of toys there and found a fisher price batman batcave and was amazed. Luke is really into imaginary play. He will talk to himself and pretend play all day. His imagination is amazing. Luke is still playing with his batcave and it is 37 minutes past his bedtime but I don't have the guts to break his heart and put him to bed.
Earlier today I spent the day with my friend Amanda Hill. She made me this awesome Cinnamon Apple cake. I could not believe how wonderful it tasted. I have never been much of a baker but I knew Jeremy would be knocked off his feet if I make him an apple cake considering apple pie is his favorite. He was pretty amazed of my baking ability. I was also amazed at myself. Thank you Amanda for a wonderfully easy and wonderfully tasty recipe. I can attempt all things.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The hear of a child through song!
I am excited to see the rain because we have been so dry lately. The only thing that can get awkward is loading and unloading kids in and out of the car in the rain. One thing that is good about boys is that they love getting wet.
Luke has just been my comic relief lately. We have taken away his stuffed animal elephant named Peanut which his says, "Neanut" a week ago. He usually has his Neanut for bed and then sucks him thumb with it. He has done really well and has not cried for him. I am proud. Luke will also start speech therapy school in a few weeks. He will be attending school every Monday and Wednesday and I am relived because I am always his translator to outsiders and he could use the help. Luke was really excited about being able to attend school. Luke has a very outgoing personality so going to school is a great outlet for him.
Eli is blossoming into his personality as well. He turned 19 months the other day and is a ball full of energy. He is a Mama's boy lately but I love him. His thing lately is whenever music comes on he dances or starts pretending he is playing a guitar. He plays with his big brother all of the time. He loves to pretend he is a dog and really loves when Luke will play in with him as well.
My life is full. I am going to try and make more time for blogging. If you have been following me sorry for the long lapse of time. I am going to try and get better. I have attached a video of Luke singing one of his favorite worship songs. He is really passionate when he sings and he really loves this song. Out of the mouth of babes.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
It's the little things!
I am discovering everyday as a mom that it is the little things that brighten my life and my days! For instance, watching my youngest (Eli my 14 month old on April 20th) take his first steps. His faith and confidence in himself that if he just lets go he can walk all by himself. The look on his face once he arrives at his designated spot is so great and rewarding. I picture this as my relationship with My God!!!! I just step away from all things holding me down and get away from my distractions and walk towards him in everything I do. The peace that surrounds me in that journey is unexplainable! To fully rely on the One who is in me everyday is a great adventure.
My oldest son (Luke who is 3 1/2 years old) is amazing me by his sense of adventure for life. Everything is a new obstacle or challenge for him to face. He is learning to ride his bike with training wheels and oh what fun he is having. He is trying to act like the big kids in his neighborhood and I am slowing realizing that I am loosing him as my little boy as he embarks on his journey to becoming a big boy!
I would like to post the lyrics to a song that is dear to my heart by Mark Harris called "Find your Wings!" He wrote this song for his children:
It's only for a moment you are mine to hold
The plans that heaven has for you
The plans that heaven has for you
Will all too soon unfold
So many different prayers I'll pray
For all that you might do
But most of all I'll want to know
You're walking in the truth
And If I never told you
I want you to know
As I watch you grow
I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
May passion be the wind
That leads you through your days
And may conviction keep you strong
Guide you on your way
May there be many moments
That make your life so sweet
Oh, but more than memories
It's not living if you don't reach for the sky
I'll have tears as you take off
But I'll cheer as you fly
So many different prayers I'll pray
For all that you might do
But most of all I'll want to know
You're walking in the truth
And If I never told you
I want you to know
As I watch you grow
I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
May passion be the wind
That leads you through your days
And may conviction keep you strong
Guide you on your way
May there be many moments
That make your life so sweet
Oh, but more than memories
It's not living if you don't reach for the sky
I'll have tears as you take off
But I'll cheer as you fly
(This goes out to my boys! I could not have said it any better! Ok, now I have tears in my eyes.)
I love this time of year also as the season change and the scenery becomes lush and green and everything around me is changing! I am constantly reminded of the blessings that I have on a daily basis! I am so thankful for a wonderful husband who works so diligently to provide for his family and who is awesome support to me and who loves me unconditionally. (Thanks babe, you are really my best friend) For my two wonderful boys who everyday remind me of the love that God must have for all of His children. For my awesome family who is always there and always caring and loving. For my in-laws, who always show me the kindness that one can show towards a complete stranger and accept them with utmost love! To friends, who see me for who I am and love me regardless! (You know who you are!!!)
As I reflect today I encourage all who read to take a moment and reflect on your blessings whether they be big or small. God is a God of blessings and He proves this in every moment of our lives. It's the little things!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Day to Day
Today was gorgeous!!! I got a little burnt on my face from the beautiful walk around Lake Junaluska. The boys throughly enjoyed getting out of the house and getting some vitamin D. I am hoping that this weather is a sign that great things are coming our way this spring 2010.
They boys have both been sick, Luke with an ear infection and Eli with a sinus infection. Luke's ear is still hurting him pretty bad and tomorrow will be day three on antibiotics. Hopefully the boys will turn a corner for the better tomorrow. I have spent my days medicating and snuggling little sick boys! Eli is a mommy's boy and I think that kid will use any excuse to lay in my arms sucking his thumb. I love it though because time flies by so fast!
I was reflecting today on a thought that I had. I am able to create the life I want. I am also able to live the life that I want. The outcome of life is what I make it. So I have decided to make joy the center of my life in all things and in that I will be able to have joy reciprocated back to my life. My husband gives me great joy and my two little men always bring me extreme joy and in that I hope to bring joy into their lives. Just a thought.
I see the God in everyone I come in contact with lately and am able to appreciate all the different elements we all bring to this world we live. Thank goodness we all make up a beautiful kaleidescope of colors that form a beautiful stain glass picture of beauty. Thank you God for the sunshine and warm weather that helps to open my eyes to the beauty and joy all around.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Teaching a Toddler!
My day has been really productive so far. I have made a Lasagna and put it in the refrigerator for dinner. Washed dishes, fed the boys lunch, and so on and so forth! I love to prepare meals earlier in the day because around dinner time the boys are usually under my feet and it is hard to prepare food. I have some hungry men around this place young and old!
I have been diligently teaching my son Luke all that I can before he starts school. I want him to be ahead of the game and be well informed. Today we worked on the letters A and B and what sounds they make and what they look like. Tomorrow we will try to write them. He has this great v-tech toy that he places the letter in and it sings a song and explains to him what the letter is and what sound it makes. He sings the alphabet song all of the time and I think it is so cute. He has his basic colors, number, counting, and shapes down already. Now on to the more complicated things. Luke is a huge sponge right now.
Eli is still fighting a cold. His congestion at times seems to get better but then there are still those really fussy moments. He has been crying more today and I am beginning to wonder if he has an ear infection because he still has a constant low grade fever.
Life as a mother has it's ups and downs but all together it is so rewarding. When the little ones hop up in your arms and give you a kiss or just want to snuggle it is those moments that brighten up your heart. Just the other day Luke told me how pretty I was and that made my day. What a great husband he will be one day.
I am enjoying going to the gym in the evenings when Jeremy gets home. It is allowing me a little time out and I can get the frustrations of the day out on the treadmill!!! Also, hopefully I will loose some of this baby weight. My weight is one area of my life that I struggle with and feel no control over, but now that I am going to the gym the process seems less intimidating!
To all of you mother's whether you work or stay at home may blessings of joy be the strength that guide's you through the day. You have so much to offer your little ones that God has placed within you. You inspire your children everyday with just LOVE!!!! Be the life you know you want to live!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Starting a new journey!
Hello all readers.
My name is Lauren and I am embarking on my first blogging experience! I am excited and a bit shy about my writing experience. I have a busy and full life and most of the time I have much to say! I am a stay at home mom with two wonderful little boys! Luke is my oldest at 3 1/2 years old and a blessing to my life. He is an outgoing busy little man who loves being a social person. He loves crowds and playdates. Elijah (Eli) is my youngest at 13 months old. He is pretty serious but has a smile that will melt your heart. He enjoys playing with his older brother and has not yet taken that first step to walking on his own yet but I can see that happening soon. Both boys are a blessing to me.
I am married to a wonderful man named Jeremy. He works for UPS full time and is a great supporter of his family. Jeremy is funny, outgoing, and really good looking. He is the man of my dreams and is a huge support to me and the kids. He always encourages me to go live my dreams and is constantly the driving force for our family. My life would not be the same without these 3 wonderful men in my life.
I am a lover of the Lord. I follow Him with everything that is within me. I also enjoy organizing and keep things neat and clean. (Weird, I know) I love to shop of course and love to workout I have just discovered. I used to enjoy scrapbooking but I have found lately that there is not much time for that anymore. I enjoy spending time with my extended family and just being a mom. Cooking is not something I enjoy but I find myself enjoying being creative with it.
I hope in this blogging adventure that I can share stories from my life about motherhood, marriage, and my love for the Lord. I hope to also share new adventures that we will take as a family and give my readers an inside look at things to come for the Buchanan family. Life is an adventure and I look forward to all that is to come. My motto in life is "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain!"
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