So today my day was just full of news, some of which I was happy to hear and some of which I was really bummed to hear. I was really working on getting my focus on the things the Lord has for me. The Lord has a plan to prosper and bless me. I am working diligently on trusting the Lord more and more and giving Him my concerns and worries.
Today was awesomely warm and made me want to get outside and do yard work. I am going to attempt to get outside tomorrow and get some yard work accomplished. I really want the outside of my house to match the inside. I have also discovered that getting your hands dirty outside and playing in the dirt is rewarding. Also, If I am outside working my boys are definitely outside playing. Luke and Eli would live outside when the weather is nice.
Tomorrow morning Jeremy has a very important meeting at work and I will be practicing trusting the Lord during his meeting until Jeremy calls me with good news. I am believing the Lord has good things in store for my family. I encourage all you who read this to take the time out and look around and be thankful for the things you have and the things that the Lord has blessed you with. "Lord, thank you so much for my family, my healthy, and blessings that surround me everyday." I am starting with trust tomorrow.